Maximize Reach through Accessible Financial Publishing

To stay competitive and engage stakeholders, banking and financial services and insurance (BFSI), and audit companies are continuously creating and publishing high-quality and high volume of digital content. The idea is to provide meaningful and trusted information to the target readers for better decision making and ensure the widest possible reach for maximum engagement. However, the purpose is defeated if your financial publishing lacks the right accessibility features. This restricts users’ ability, who have different accessibility needs, to successfully engage and interact with your content, leaving them confused and disappointed. Due to poor accessibility, you can end up alienating a huge demographic, hurting not just your business growth but also reputation.

Given the increasing reliance on and widespread use of such digital communication, it is imperative that banking and financial publications are equally accessible to people with varying degrees of disability. Making digital content accessible should not be viewed as only a legal requirement. By ensuring digital inclusivity BFSI and audit businesses can cater to a huge population living with some form of disability or diminished capabilities, creating a stronger brand philosophy and loyalty.

Ensure Digital Inclusivity with Amnet

With over 20 years of experience, Amnet offers end-to-end accessibility services tailored to meet the needs of BFSI and audit companies. We are deeply committed to digital equality and it serves as a guiding principle in the work we do. From consultation, implementation, scalability, to compliance with federal and international accessibility regulations, we provide comprehensive support for every accessibility initiative.

Combining, advanced tools, technologies, and best practices, we help you transform your digital communication and make it accessible in adherence to the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). We help you identify and address accessibility across your digital publishing and integrate right features that alleviate legal risk, enhance branding, and above all extend market reach.